Booking Request
Your event is unique, and Birdie’s Booth offers several packages that can be tailored to your needs. If you don’t see a great fit, that’s okay! Just send us a message and we’ll work with you to make your guests’ experience picture-perfect.
"Good Times"
2 Hours
🗸 Unlimited printed pictures
🗸 Professional quality film strips customized to your event, printed on commercial-grade equipment
🗸 Props and backdrop, including outdoor setup (chair, area rug, trunk, and suitcases)
🗸 A link for the entire photo gallery
🗸 An attendant to ensure your guests have a seamless experience
"Memory Maker"
3 Hours
🗸 Unlimited printed pictures
🗸 Professional quality film strips customized to your event, printed on commercial-grade equipment
🗸 Props and backdrop, including outdoor setup (chair, area rug, trunk , and suitcases)
🗸 A link for the entire photo gallery
🗸 An attendant to ensure your guests have a seamless experience
"First Dance”
4 Hours
🗸 Unlimited printed pictures
🗸 Professional quality film strips customized to your event, printed on commercial-grade equipment
🗸 Props and backdrop, including outdoor setup (chair, area rug, trunk, and suitcases)
🗸 A link for the entire photo gallery
🗸 An attendant to ensure your guests have a seamless experience
Note: Digital-only packages are available upon request at a discounted rate! Contact us for more information
Note: $1/mile additional charge for over 40 miles